Musing on Writing

Posted on July 31, 2010 by PamelaEwen

Sometimes I wonder if other writers have organized methods of writing, and whether they write one book at a time, and how they know when they’ve come to the end, and how they feel about exposing themselves in their words.

Faith and Reason

Posted on July 17, 2010 by PamelaEwen

Has God hard-wired our brains with a built-in moral compass?

I think so. I believe that we are born with some basic moral instincts. It’s interesting to me that so many child psychologists agree that children evidence this at a very early age, long before they can reason, or be taught.

Eyewitness – How do we know?!

Posted on July 3, 2010 by PamelaEwen

Last week I wrote that Christianity is the only world religion based upon knowable facts. That is, it’s the only one for which witnesses have left written testimony that crucial events on which the religion is based actually occurred. In the case of Christian beliefs, these are the life, death, and–especially–the resurrection of Jesus. 

Peter, The Rock

Posted on June 25, 2010 by PamelaEwen

A powerful chain of proof!

Well I’ve been back from Italy for almost a month and still have the apostle, Peter, on my mind. I’ve just finished page proofs for Secret of the Shroud, and Peter plays a part in that story. As some of you know, Jimmy and I were lucky enough to take the SCAVI tour through the archeological digs beneath the Vatican. In the 1960’s the Vatican found Peter’s grave, and his bones. During that tour, surely we stood together in a holy place. But there’s much more evidence that Peter was just as described in the New Testament.

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